Tuesday 1 November 2016

4 Years on and so much has changed

Forgot I'd started writing a blog so was amused to see what I'd written 4 years ago especially about the crocheting and sewing! What started off as felt hearts sewn by hand and treble crochets that could only go round and round has escalated into my very own portfolio of crafts and not only do I now crochet I also sew - properly with the sewing machine I thought I couldn't thread!!!
I've made several granny square blankets which are a variety of colours but always the same theme, round and round and round to create one large square some with contrasting colours each line some all one colour but nothing else, I can't double, can't read a pattern and can only do large blankets in one piece, haven't got around to making lots of individual squares!
But sewing on the other hand is a whole new world to me!!! I've made curtains for my downstairs loo, shortened trousers, jeans and skirts for myself, kids and husband, made 2(!) patchwork quits - this being my absolute favourite achievement ever!!! More excited about my patchwork I think than my crochet.  My first attempt was old bedding and various prints of fabric that I had been stock piliing for a while, edged with a neutral fabric which used to be my bedroom curtains!!! and backed with cotton.  Absolutely over the moon with it and then went on to make a Christmas print patchwork with fleece backing.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Printable Reward Charts

Pottery painting in Stockton August 2014.  Took my kids, our Jack and our Mam.


Added another string to my creative bow this month (September 2014).  I attended a crochet workshop at Williamson's haberdashery and until then had never even picked up a crochet hook.  I went with Gerry next door's girlfriend Jill.  Tuesdays 7-9pm fortnightly £5.00.

Couldn't even make a foundation chain, couldn't cast on, didn't know difference between double or treble crochet.  Anyway.. came home and practised, finally got to grips with some of it and managed to make a chain and single line of single crochet.  As the following days went by I watched videos on You Tube: Bella Coco being my favourite and bought some books from Amazon and The Works.  I persevered with the crocheting and each day it improved, I practised and practised and got to grips with the treble crochet but could not master corners.  I produced a lovely yellow and whole circle but wanted to make a square blanket so it wasn't ideal!!! Anyway finally managed to master corners, trebles, chains, slips stitches, foundation chains, rings and fastening off to change colours.  Sooo chuffed with myself and so proud that I have taught myself to crochet.
Can't wait for class number 2 tonight!

Circle attempt before mastering corners

First ever granny square - mastered corners, need to master the centre

Tuesday 18 December 2012

My Handmade Crafty Christmas

This year I do not feel Christmassy at all however, I have managed to homemake and handmake many things using crafting techniques that I didn't even know I could do.

Firstly sewing... I own a sewing machine and can just about thread it but never seem to get it to work properly so end up abandoning it and putting it back.  I can sew a button on but that's it.  Couldn't hem a pair of trousers or run up a pair of curtains!!!  I leave all that to my Mam and sooo wish I had learnt to sew when I lived at home with her.

However, I had seen Kirstie Allsop make Christmas decorations last year by hand and it popped into my head that I'd like to give it a go so I told my Mam my idea and she promptly posted me a load of felt, stuffing, ribbon, beads and bows to get me started.  THe parcel arrived and I was away...

I copied templates from the internet and created a folder in my pictures to save them and I Started to cut out templates using greaseproof paper to trace the shapes.  My first attempt was a gingerbread man.  He's not the best looking and I learnt so many things with him but I really enjoyed doing it and it inspired me to create more.  I hung each up on the wall and each time I created something I hung it up to compare to the previous and to admire. THe blue tree was made completely by Liam (age 4) he chose exactly what he wanted, it was made for his Dad and he knew it had to be plain blue, stuffed fat and with a single gold star.  He was very sure about what he wanted. The snowman was my second attempt and I was never really taken with him.  I love the hearts, this was what I intended to make and it was Kirstie's influence, I have since recreated many hearts.  The middle snowman was Holly's design (age 6).  She's very artistic and everything she makes glitters and sparkles  she loves overly decorated bright things and anything that shines.

I'd like to think they improved as I went along.  I loved making them and have made loads since I started.

Saturday 5 May 2012

What's the difference between sugarpaste and gumpaste

Sugarpaste and Rolled Fondant

Ever since natural sugars were discovered they have been used in the form of a paste, but more recently it has come to be recognised by sugar crafters as a very easy paste to work with to decorate cakes, gateaux, biscuits, muffins and cookies.

In different countries it may be referred to as Rolled Fondant, Roll out Icing or Plastic Icing, or sometimes it is known by the brand name - Regalice, Pettinice or Satin Ice.

All of these names quite simply mean a paste made basically from sugar that is blended to produce an icing that can be rolled out like pastry and used as a cake covering that is soft to cut and eat.

Because of its ease of handling it is ideal also for use with a large range of cutters, embossers and moulds.

Flower Paste and Gum Paste for Sugar Flowers and Cake Decorations

This is a traditional modelling paste made from sugar but with the addition of edible gum like Gum Tragacanth, .C.M.C.or Tylose.

There are also many named or brand names that it may be known as Gum Paste, Petal Paste or Sugar Florist Paste. This paste has been developed so that it can be rolled out finely and dry hard, making it suitable for sugar flowers, high detailed moulds and top decorations.

Sugar flowers are an extremely popular feature of many cakes especially for weddings enabling the sugar artist and cake decorator to hand craft both simple and highly detailed flowers and leaves.

Many cutters have been developed specifically for use with this paste e.g. the Tappit range thus enabling anyone to create simple fine and detailed decorations and lettering.

Mexican Paste

There are occasions when it may be an advantage to blend together both sugar paste and flower paste.

The proportions can vary, but in most instances it is described as equal quantities, 50/50 or as a Mexican paste.

This blended paste give the advantages of both pastes. The strength of the gums in the flower paste and the slower drying and softer eating of Sugarpaste.

Today’s style of cake decoration very much features fabric effects and this paste is ideal for creating sugar ribbons, textured lace and drapes.

Mam's Cake Mix

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