Tuesday 30 September 2014

Printable Reward Charts

Pottery painting in Stockton August 2014.  Took my kids, our Jack and our Mam.


Added another string to my creative bow this month (September 2014).  I attended a crochet workshop at Williamson's haberdashery and until then had never even picked up a crochet hook.  I went with Gerry next door's girlfriend Jill.  Tuesdays 7-9pm fortnightly £5.00.

Couldn't even make a foundation chain, couldn't cast on, didn't know difference between double or treble crochet.  Anyway.. came home and practised, finally got to grips with some of it and managed to make a chain and single line of single crochet.  As the following days went by I watched videos on You Tube: Bella Coco being my favourite and bought some books from Amazon and The Works.  I persevered with the crocheting and each day it improved, I practised and practised and got to grips with the treble crochet but could not master corners.  I produced a lovely yellow and whole circle but wanted to make a square blanket so it wasn't ideal!!! Anyway finally managed to master corners, trebles, chains, slips stitches, foundation chains, rings and fastening off to change colours.  Sooo chuffed with myself and so proud that I have taught myself to crochet.
Can't wait for class number 2 tonight!

Circle attempt before mastering corners

First ever granny square - mastered corners, need to master the centre