Wednesday 28 March 2012

Death by Chocolate

Rolo Cups, Chocolate and Vanilla & Chocolate Fudge

This experiment was great fun.  I was having a bake sale at Liam's pre-school so had to come up with tempting treats to sell.  Top tray, chocolate sponge cupcakes with rolo filling.  Half fill case with cake mix, add a rolo and add another dollop of cake mix on top them bake.  Results? Bite into a cake with a rolo caramel centre?  Nah, bit disappointing I couldn't taste the caramel. 

Note to self: try Reese's Peanut Butter cups next time.

However thanks to Betty Crocker's fudge icing, piped well and made these cakes very appealing.  Left, chocolate fudge filled and topped cakes.  Simply fill cupcakes with BC fudge icing or insert a sharp knife to make an incision and fill centre with fudge icing on the tip of the knife then pipe top to finish.  Right photo: Chocolate and Vanilla - used BC Vanilla buttercream frosting which I do not like personally but then I hate vanilla!!!  Sold very well at 50p each!!! 

Note to self: Increase ones prices!!!

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