Wednesday 28 March 2012

First EVer Bake Sale

Selection for the Kids

This was a selection of cupcakes for the bake sale (March 2012) 

I made Victoria Hearts (top right) whcih were jam filled with red sugar paste disc finish and glittery hearts and flowers to top.

Middle row, blue dyed glace icing and Asda's Coloured Beans which the kids all went for. 

(Left) Lemon drizzle cakes, lemon flavoured sponge and lemon glace icing made from icing sugar and lemon juice - no water, pure zesty flavour and drop of yellow food colour.  Filled with lemon curd.

(Bottom Row) Strawberry Whirls, Strawberry flavour pink frosting filled cupcake and topping finished with pretty sugarpaste flowers, butterflies which were made with a plunger cutter.

The lady bugs were my first seller.  cut discs of red sugarpaste and made black blobs into lady bug faces.

Very top tray left: Lilac covered cupcakes complete with lollypop

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