Wednesday 7 March 2012

Liam's 1st birthday cake

The turning point in my cake decorating passion and the start of things to come.
I loved doing this cake!!!  I remember seeing a kids programme called Big Cook Little Cook and the article showed how to make a balloon cake.  I had this idea in my head.  The lady had made a blue cake.  SO I made a blue cake.  SHe had modelled balloons out of icing but for some reason I then got distracted and copied Steve's salt dough Saints football man and made one out of sugar paste and painted his shorts, shoes and stripes.  I even borrowed a real pin badge for the crest.

Again I made the plaque but this time I trimmed the edge in a sausage of red.  I vaguely remember using icing pens to write Happy Birthday Liam but don't know where I got the lettering from to trace over.  HOwever, I was bitten and had the bug... the cakes then came thick and fast.

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